The other bump that happened was that when I went to check out I was asked if I wanted to put the room charge of $650 on my credit card. That lead to a 5 minute search for my gift certificate. Not a big deal, but just another example of the lackluster customer service at the hotel.

The restaurant, the White Lion, was nice. I had breakfast their and the food was good and reasonably priced. I didn't find the wait staff to be the best, but they weren't bad either. I mention that because I have seen many complaints about them.

The common areas were ok, nicely decorated and clean. But I swear the one elevator smelled a little like pee the first day we were there.
The hotel website says they have internet, but the internet was only available in the sitting area on the first floor, I'm not sure if they charged for it.
Overall, the hotel was nice, the Grand Hotel is supposed to be the nicest in Lake George. It certainly looked like it from the outside. But I hope their are hotels with better service. If I returned to Lake George The Fort William Henry would not be my first choice. I think that's sad. I thought one of the reasons hotels offered such promotions was to bring in new customers, but their customer service didn't match the quality and price of the hotel.