For out last day in Disney I asked Mom if she wanted to go back to EPCOT to finish her shopping. Our flight wasn't until the evening so we had plenty of time. Heidi decided to come with us with the baby. Meanwhile Alex and Mike were going to stay at the hotel and swim.
This was one of the ironies of the trip. My sisters lack of action in regards to the reservation and Magical Express forced me go to the hotel Concierge, they were extremely nice and helpful and game Mom and I a complimentary taxi ride to the airport. Meanwhile my sister, her husband, and the kids took Magical Express. Which coincidently had plenty of room for Mom and I on it. But Mom and I had a quiet peaceful ride in the taxi instead. I find it very strange that they can comp a taxi ride, but not a Magical Express ride, now that is fuzzy math! But I'll take it.