I've just gotten back from my trip to Disneyland, that's the one in California. It was my first time there, but I had heard it wasn't as good as Disney World, for many reasons. It's smaller, it doesn't have that Disney bubble effect that you get in Florida, and it's just not as cool. Of course I know there are people who disagree. I think that for as similar as the two places are, they both offer something a little different.
My first impression when I walked into Disneyland was, "that's the castle? That's not a castle!" There was a smaller feeling to everything, from the view of the train station when you first arrive, Main Street and the castle. It was particularly weird since things also felt so familiar too, but was still different. Overall the whole park felt a little smaller. I'm not sure how much smaller the park is compared to the Magic Kingdom, but the walkways all felt smaller, and some of the lands felt smaller too. I did like New Orleans Square. As the day went on though the smaller feel of the park started to grow on me, the park felt more intimate then the Magic Kingdom.
Overall I had a great time on this trip, I will talk more about it in future posts. I felt like Disneyland was a bit underwhelming, though I could certainly see areas where Walt made noticeable improvements for the Magic Kingdom. DCA provided great rides, but not so great of an experience, hopefully that will change once the expansion and upgrades are completed. I do feel like the Disneyland vs Disney World is a worthy discussion, though no on will win it. But I do think it makes a valid excuse to visit both.