My trip to Hawaii is barely a month away so I thought I would give an update on my plans there. Tara and I will be sailing with NCL America on the Pride of America on May 16.
We're flying out on May 15 to Honolulu and will be spending the night on Waikiki Beach. The following day we will try to spend a little time at Waikiki and then head back over to Honolulu to drop our luggage off at the ship and take a little time to explore downtown Honolulu. If we can we would both like to do a tour of the only palace on US Soil, Iolanai Palace. Then we'll go back and board the ship, hopefully our luggage will have made it to our room by then.
May 17th and May 18th we'll be in Maui where we'll be doing excursions for the Road to Hana and to Haleakala Crater for sunrise. If we're still awake after that then we'll probably go to a beach for a while, or maybe some shopping. You can sleep when you get home, right?
May 19th we'll be in Hilo and are renting a convertible to go see Volcano's National Park.
May 20th is Kona where we plan on taking a glass bottom boat and hitting the beach.
May 21st and 22nd we'll be in Kauai. Here we'll do an excursion to Wailua River and Fern Grotto and also a helicopter tour of the island - Tara refers to that as the day she is going to die. She's very excited she just has trouble expressing herself.
May 23rd they kick us off the ship. Since our flight isn't until 8pm we will go see Pearl Harbor on this day.