Through a bit of luck I was able to get myself into British Airways Business Class on my flight over to London. I was hoping to get into First (who isn't), but Business Class it was. I actually started this post while sitting in the Terrace Lounge on the BA wifi, life is good. I'll be finishing it once I get home.

I was a little thrown off by this lounge thing. I didn't get to wander around the airport and spend money on magazines and stuff, I was here extra early too. So, I had a drink, went on the internet to work on my blog. Then I did one of the things I love to do, I scheduled a message! But there was a wait so I went and had dinner. One of the frustrating things about flying to London is that you fly overnight, but since the flight is only 7 hours you can barely get a good nights sleep, let alone eat on the flight too. Having dinner in the lounge before was a great advantage. And the food was good too. You could get a salad, bread, chicken, beef tenderloins, fish, and dessert. It was good food and it didn't cost an arm and a leg.

After dinner I got myself a 15 minute scalp and neck message. It was in a really cool chair that messaged most of my body. I need one of those chairs! I think I need a job that pays more. It was a nice way to relax while at the airport stressed out about flying. The spa is an Elemis Spa and my therapist did try to sell me some products, but it was stuff that I actually had a home already.
After that I only had a few minutes to go to the bathroom and make sure everything was together before boarding my flight.
Once I adjusted to lounge life I really liked it. The environment is quite relaxed, a good opportunity to relax instead of wandering around the airport finding a way to kill time. And dinner and a message just topped off the experience!