A blog about my past and future travels, come and enjoy the ride. I typically post about Domestic and European locations. Also cruises, solo travel, female travel and whatever else comes up.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Photo of the Week: Washington DC
Friday, May 28, 2010
Yartsevo to Minsk
Day 27: Yartsevo to Minsk: A visit to Smolensk on our way to Minsk, the capital of Belarus, where we will enjoy a sightseeing tour of this former Soviet stronghold. (Breakfast and Dinner included)
At 11:00 we arrived at the Belarus border and made it into Belarus fairly easily by 11:55. Once in Belarus we had to turn our watches back 1 hour. At 12:15 we had a lunch stop on the side of the road. It had a closed restaurant on our side of the road and an open one (with a decent bathroom, or so I’m told) on the other side of the road. The bathroom on our side of the road was the worst bathroom I have EVER seen in my life! It smelled from a mile away too. I skipped using the bathroom at this stop.
Hotel: Hotel Orbita
Breakfast: 8:30 Bus departs: 9:00
Breakfast: 8:30 Bus departs: 9:00
Some people were still drunk this morning at breakfast. Renae made me bread with vegemite on it, as she had pro
mised. Vegemite is vile! Lets just say that the fact that I thought my gagging on it would make the hung over people at my table throw-up so I had to use all of my restraint to control myself. After breakfast we had a tour of Smolensk, a dingy little Russian town. The Cathedral of the Assumption was the highlight of the tour, it is a remarkable cathedral.
At 9:45 we had a stop at Katyn Forrest where 21,000 Polish elite were rounded up and executed by the Russians, simply for being smart, which was a threat to Stalin. When this was discovered the Russians blamed the Germans (easy targets after WWII) and tried to divert attention by building a memorial at Khatyn Village (which I will describe later). In 1990 Gorbachev finally admitted to a mild version of the events that transpired here. The memorial here is very serene, a pathway through the woods with littl
e memorials throughout. After walking through I used the bathroom before heading to the Belarus border, a very good decision.
At 9:45 we had a stop at Katyn Forrest where 21,000 Polish elite were rounded up and executed by the Russians, simply for being smart, which was a threat to Stalin. When this was discovered the Russians blamed the Germans (easy targets after WWII) and tried to divert attention by building a memorial at Khatyn Village (which I will describe later). In 1990 Gorbachev finally admitted to a mild version of the events that transpired here. The memorial here is very serene, a pathway through the woods with littl
At 11:00 we arrived at the Belarus border and made it into Belarus fairly easily by 11:55. Once in Belarus we had to turn our watches back 1 hour. At 12:15 we had a lunch stop on the side of the road. It had a closed restaurant on our side of the road and an open one (with a decent bathroom, or so I’m told) on the other side of the road. The bathroom on our side of the road was the worst bathroom I have EVER seen in my life! It smelled from a mile away too. I skipped using the bathroom at this stop.
On the bus we played some games to make the drive go faster and Maggy told us a little about Belarus. One of the things she told us about was Chernobyl, which was actually in the Ukraine, but 60% of the fall out landed in Belarus leaving large portions of the land unusable. There have also been reports of “monster babies,” which are quickly taken away from their mothers. It is believe
d to be the result of all the nuclear waste that went into Belarus and other surrounding countries, like Russia. This has also lead women to actively avoid men (as partners) who have genetic ties to areas near the nuclear fallout, and men to try and hide their ties.
At 3:15 I overheard Maggy on the phone with the local guide, telling her that we were lost and wouldn’t make it into Minsk until 5:30-6:00. I guess these things happen when the road signs aren’t in English.
At 4:15 we arrived at Khatyn Village for a 30 minute stop. In Khatyn Village the Nazi’s had come, rounded everyone from the town up, put them in one shed and burned it down, there were 3 survivors. 2 girls and 1 man. The 2 girls went to live in another village and were killed when that village was also burned alive. The man is Josef Kaminski, who is the man modeled in the Unconquered Man statue holding a child, he is holding his son who he found at the site after the Nazi's left. He worked at the memorial and was often seen caring for different parts of the memorial over the years. The memorial is one of the most moving I had ever seen. Soil was taken from each of the 618 villages destroyed by the Nazis to create part of this memorial; the cemetery of villages has a plot for each of the 185 villages that were never rebuilt. The bells at the village ring every 30 seconds, representing some (I think the rate that Belarusian's died in the war) rate of death during WWII. There is also a Memory Wall with a plaque and alcove for each of the concentration camps and sites of mass extermination within Belarus. There are many other symbolic aspects to this memorial, if you’re interested take a look at this site.
We arrived in Minsk at 5:30 and at our hotel at 5:45. We took a quick bathroom break, which I needed since my bladder refused to use a squatter toilet and earned a gold star
for the day! Then we did a city tour. Before arriving Maggy had told us that Belarus is a little screwed up… Although this is considered a free state, it is run by a dictator, Aleksander Lukashenko, and as long as you agree with everything he says and vote for him, it’s a free state. I remember Belarus in the news a couple months before my trip, the elections were rigged, and people were actually bold enough to protest. President Bush commended those who protested, because it was such a dangerous thing to do. Anyway, 90% or 95% of industry in Belarus is government run leaving almost no public companies in the country. The major industry is refrigerators and TV’s,; however, Maggy tells us that they have not upgraded these industries in decades. They simply take the manufactured products and put them in warehouses and tell everyone they export them, primarily to Russia. The TV’s we had in our rooms in Russia were in varying degrees of newer then the one we had in our room in Belarus, which was easily 25 years old, technology wise.
On our city tour we saw the building where the Communist Party in Belarus started, The KGB building, Independence Square, and the bridge at the Island of Tears. Everything in Minsk seemed very shinny and happy. It was a weekend so we saw several brides. We also learned that it is traditional in Belarus to go to a memorial on your wedding day, which would explain the bridal party we had seen at Khatyn Village early. There is a religious reason, that I don’t remember, that keeps people from marrying through most of July and August, leaving June as a very popular month for marriage. In Minsk we also saw a lot of happy people relaxing, some on paddle boats. It was a weird place, knowing how much turmoil there is behind the smiling faces. Everyone looked to happy and the place looked too nice, it reminded me of the Stepford Wives. Our local guide explained to us about there industry – refrigerators and TV’s that are exported, mostly to Russia.
Once back at the hotel we checked in and had dinner. For dinner we had very greasy chicken and a delicious pastry for dessert. After dinner and before the exchange place opened up again (it had weird hours, on and off for 30 minute blocks all day) we were standing outside by the bus and looked ove
r and saw a man peeing against a wall. It was so funny, but I didn't have my camera, but James did and he took a picture for me. So James, if you're reading this, can you send me a copy of the picture? Then we went to exchange money, for 5 euros I got 13,250 Belarussian Rubles, Wahooo, I’m rich! At the grocery store, which reminded me of an old school grocery store where the cashier manually enters each price, I struggled to spend little more then half of that money. I ended up giving Lis some of my money because the cashier didn’t have change for her 10,000 bill, since she had already given me all her change. It was actually pretty comical trying to pay for our stuff, since we all had large bills. This was not the first country we went to where ATM’s and exchange places gave you really big bills that no one wanted to take or didn’t have change for, I don’t get it.
After shopping Lis, Jilly and I popped into the bar for a few minutes, th
en ended up at the casino where James had won (and saved a casino chip for me to take home to my brother-in-law, I bet his other friends don’t have casino chips from Belarus.) I wanted to play the slots once, but you needed a chip or something and I didn’t have enough money to buy chips. What’s wrong with a machine that accepts bills in small denominations like they have in the rest of the world? Owell, there loss. After that failed attempt we went back to the bar for a few minutes and then decided to go to bed early, 10:45 since we had an early start in the morning to get out of Belarus. Yea, we were heading back to a civilization, Poland. I never thought I would say that.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
My new netbook
A few weeks ago I bought a netbook by HP. It's a 10 inch, refirbished machine with 1 GB ram and 120 GB of harddrive. I bought it because I have hopefully 3 more trips this year and am sick of dragging around my laptop. So far I like it and I think it will be good for what I bought it for, but I don't love it.
Pros: It's small, light and easy to carry around. It only cost $250. I actually take this around quite a bit. I'm not really the sit in a starbucks and write my blog type, but I do bring it to work a lot. The keyboard is almost full size and I rarely miss a key because of the reduced keyboard. 3 USB ports, perfect for what I use this for and an SD card reader.
Cons: It's slow, really slow sometimes. I was going through some pictures that I had put on it and it moves at a quarter of the speed of my 2 year old laptop, if you're lucky. I was starting to get used to it and didn't think it was quite as bad until I started editting pictures on my laptop. Wow! This is a problem because one of the reasons I wanted it was because I take so many pictures and want to download them. The small screen - when you pull up a browser half the screen is the margins and bars at the top and bottom - it's hard to see much of a webpage. Also, you view pictures quite small.
Bottom line - for what I paid and what I want to use it for, it will be a handy tool. But when it dies I wont replace it with another netbook. More likely, next year I'll get an ipad... Although the screen is about the same size the apps and the programs that run on it allow for a MUCH better use of the space.
Pros: It's small, light and easy to carry around. It only cost $250. I actually take this around quite a bit. I'm not really the sit in a starbucks and write my blog type, but I do bring it to work a lot. The keyboard is almost full size and I rarely miss a key because of the reduced keyboard. 3 USB ports, perfect for what I use this for and an SD card reader.
Cons: It's slow, really slow sometimes. I was going through some pictures that I had put on it and it moves at a quarter of the speed of my 2 year old laptop, if you're lucky. I was starting to get used to it and didn't think it was quite as bad until I started editting pictures on my laptop. Wow! This is a problem because one of the reasons I wanted it was because I take so many pictures and want to download them. The small screen - when you pull up a browser half the screen is the margins and bars at the top and bottom - it's hard to see much of a webpage. Also, you view pictures quite small.
Bottom line - for what I paid and what I want to use it for, it will be a handy tool. But when it dies I wont replace it with another netbook. More likely, next year I'll get an ipad... Although the screen is about the same size the apps and the programs that run on it allow for a MUCH better use of the space.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Moscow to Yartsevo
Day 26: Moscow to Yartsevo: From Moscow, we continue to Smolensk - visit "Borodino" on the Dnieper that became the strategic key to Moscow in 1812 and 1941. Later we arrive at our overnight hotel in Yartsevo. (Breakfast and Dinner included)
Hotel: Smolensk Motel Oasis
Breakfast: 9:30I woke up at 8:10, before my alarm, and used my extra time to go to the grocery store for food for the bus today. I met Leah at 9:30 for breakfast as we had agreed on the night before, and then we headed out to the market near the hotel. The art market here is famous for good prices and selection so most people used their free time to shop there this morning. It was raining this morning, which made shopping outside a bit of a struggle. We walked through the non-art market market, which consisted of mostly clothes, shoes and stuff like that. Then we got to the art market where there was a 5 Ruble charge to get in (the locals didn’t seem to be paying though). We decided not to go in as it was already getting a bit late (it took a while to get through the market with the rain) so we wouldn’t have much time and it was pouring rain which was dampening our shopping spirit. We ended up at the grocery store where I tried to spend most of the rest of my Rubles on candy and snacks.
At 11:30 the bus left for Yartsevo. I had trouble with my ipod last night, it wouldn’t turn off and it scrolled through my songs, but wouldn’t actually play any so I asked Andy, my new best friend, to take a look. Apparently charging it last night fixed it and it was working fine. At 1:30 we ended up making a quick stop at a McDonalds because we had been stuck in too much traffic and needed to stop soon anyway. I just got some fries in an effort to use up some more of my Rubles, the remainder of my Rubles would be used as donations at different memorial/ monuments and as souvenirs.
At 3:40 we stopped in Borodino to see the monument and use the bathroom. During the war of 1812 when Napoleon tried to take Russia the Russian army retreated to Borodino. In Borodino the Russian’s took up a defensive position and Napoleon's Army took a frontal position. 75,000 people died and the Russians retreated, but both armies claimed victory. The Russians burned Moscow and when (as Maggy called them) General January and General February stepped in, the French were forced to retreat. Napoleon returned to France with 25,000 of his 700,000 member army. One third of the military age men in France had been killed. Today there is a monument and our first encounter with squatter toilets in Borodino. I did not use the bathroom, but they didn’t seem that bad, for squatter toilets.
At 6:30 we arrived at our hotel – the Motel Oasis, best described as a truck stop in the middle of nowhere, Russia. Outside waiting for us was Dodgy Michael; we had been
warned not to buy his cigarettes or his Vodka as they were both of very questionable quality. This hotel wasn’t terribly nice, the only nice thing was that my room (and some others, but not all) had a bathroom and separate bedrooms or a bedroom and a living room. When you walked into our room you were in a foyer and straight ahead was a bedroom (Tania’s) and to the left was the bathroom, both the bathroom and the bedroom connected to my bedroom. Maggy had warned us we might not want to shower here. While I couldn’t smell the water (still had a cold) I was told it did have an odor to it, and the shower had seen better days, about 50 years ago. Every Contiki tour has a dodgy hotel, this was ours.
At 6:30 we arrived at our hotel – the Motel Oasis, best described as a truck stop in the middle of nowhere, Russia. Outside waiting for us was Dodgy Michael; we had been
At 7:30 we had dinner which was to be followed by a show. Apparently whenever Contiki shows up some of the local girls come to do a show for them, and the Tour Manager and Driver cover the cost of the show in an effort to help out the local economy. Since I don’t think there is a local economy (we were in the middle of nowhere - I'm not just being a wiseass) I’m sure it didn’t take too much. 4 girls, who seemed to be in their late teens came on and did a couple different dances to differen
t songs. Since they changed after each song we had a little intermission between each song. I like to think of this as the Moulin Rouge of Yartsevo – the dancing they did wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t high caliber - think HS talent show caliber. After the teenage girls finished a stripper came out (we had been warned incase anyone wasn’t interested) and some people got special attention. It was an interesting night, Dodgy Michael was around all night; apparently his services also included prostitutes. When Kieran knocked a glass over, breaking it, Dodgy Michael tried to swindle 100 Rubles out of him for the glass. But since he hadn’t actually seen it, just thought it was Kieran, Kieran was able to tell him he didn’t do it and as far as I know Dodgy Michael didn’t get any money. The sign that the night was going downhill was when Clinton’s leopard skin g-string came out. At that point I decided it was time to go to bed...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Museum of American History
Part 4 of my trip to Washington DC... The Museum of American History.

Our final stops were at a coin exhibit, that took about 2 minutes, even my friend who was into coins was disappointed. We quickly moved onto the exhibit on transportation - boats and trains. Some of the exhibits were really cool and some were a little goofy, but I think this exhibit was designed more for kids.
For those of you who don't know I'm a bit of a history buff and my buffyness started with the Civil War. So when I was going to Washington DC and thought of things I could in the evening, the Museum of American History seemed like an obvious choice. It's been a while ago, but my trip was during the Easter/Jewish holidays in March, meaning there were vacationers everywhere, luckily I spend my days in a training class. I arrived at the musem around 5pm, as all the tour busses were leaving the mall area. It was still a bit crowded when I got there, but it was empty by the time I left around 7pm.
The first place I visited was the Abraham Lincoln section, I believe this was a temporary exhibit. The first problem with this exhibit was that the entry/exit was disorganized. There was a sign near the entrance saying to stay to the right, I think this was for the line that formed during the day, but when there was no line it sent me to the right, when I should have gone left when entering the exhibit. I ended up doing the exhibit in reverse. I still enjoyed it, refreshed my memory and got to see cool stuff. They had some nice historical pieces and good signs in the exhibit explaining things.
Next up was the exhibit on the Presidents. I also enjoyed this exhibit and the museum was fairly empty by now so my friend and I could enjoy it in peace. It had some interesting pieces, like military uniforms, the more interesting ones that a couple presidents wore. I also liked the exhibit piece that showed the military rank of each of the presidents. I did learn a few things about the presidents and totally thought this exhibit was worthy of a visit.
Keeping with the presidential theme I went to see the First Lady exhibit. This was primarly clothing that was worn by the first ladies. I'm no fashion expert, but I always enjoy exhibits like this. It's dummy proof - either you like the dress or you don't, and the little captions just tell you who wore it and for what. How easy is that! My friend noticed that some of the first ladies were not actually the wives of the presidents but were called First Ladies. Later research revealed that presidents without wives sometimes asked a daughter or other suitable family member to serve as White House hostess and perform the duties of First Lady. I also noticed that some of these first ladies were quite beautiful and others got hit with an ugly stick. Sorry, but it's true. Some of the dresses also got hit by the ugly stick. I think it was Calvin Cooleges wife who wore lots of flapper dresses, very contrary to the look we're used to from contemporary first ladies. The biggest disappointment though was Michelle Obama's dress from the Inaugeration ball. It looks much better on TV, in real life it looked like it had cotton balls and silver spiders on it.
Our final stops were at a coin exhibit, that took about 2 minutes, even my friend who was into coins was disappointed. We quickly moved onto the exhibit on transportation - boats and trains. Some of the exhibits were really cool and some were a little goofy, but I think this exhibit was designed more for kids.
I enjoyed this museum, thought it was interesting without being too heavy duty. After seeing the crowds when I got there though, I would recommend going after 5pm, when it is open later. I felt like I saw a large about of the museum with little hassel by getting there so late, certainly not all of it, but enough before feeling like the museum was sucking the life out of me.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Photo of the Week: Switzerland
Friday, May 14, 2010
Moscow Day 3
Days 25: Moscow Sightseeing: Two days to explore this fascinating city. Our sightseeing tour includes the Kremlin, the onion domes of St Basil's, Red Square and the GUM Store. There's even the opportunity to travel on the Moscow underground! (Breakfast and Dinner included)
At 5:00 everyone met, but the bus was late picking us up. We didn't get to our restaurant until 6:00 and the circus started at 7:00. Once inside the circus they had animals displayed and you could get your picture taken with them. During the circus I sat next to Cara and we discussed what was goin
g on. The first act had monkeys dressed like people, 2 were on leashes. One might wonder why you would have a monkey who needed to be on a leash in a circus. Then they had dogs, they would do tricks and get food as a reward. We all wondered if they were fed, maybe they didn't feed them and they had to do their tricks so they could get food. During the intermission I was on a hunt for cotton candy, it wouldn't be the circus without cotton candy. But we kept getting distracted looking at people taking pictures with animals (Marie got one with a lion cub). Finally I saw a woman with cotton candy, I chased her down for my cotton candy, it was as good as I remember it. In the second half of the show they had lions who seemed to be afraid of the lion tamer. Some seemed to be afraid to do their tricks, but when the lion tamer took out his whip they did what they were told. What I learned about the circus - you can be too old for the circus, but you can't be too old for cotton candy, clowns are dumb, and animals doing weird things isn't entertaining, it's weird.
When we were on the bus after the circus we saw two drunk guys fighting, fortunately they were too drunk to actually hurt each other. But one guy did take his shirt off for the fight, but all he did was kick the tire of our bus and stumble off in the other direction. When we got back to the hotel I got my stuff ready for a bus day the next day and then went with Tania to send some emails. I finished before Tania and decided to pop into the grocery store on the way back, not my brightest idea at 11pm. I was looking around and then noticed someone looking at me, for a second I thought maybe he was someone from tour, he had on goofy glasses, but he was just a weirdo. I made a quick exit and went back to the hotel, lesson learned.
Hotel: Hotel Izamailovo Beta Block
Breakfast: 8:30 Bus departs: 9:00
Breakfast: 8:30 Bus departs: 9:00
When I woke up this morning my eye was stuck shut, not good, I had pink eye! I'm in Russia, on tour, I couldn't have pink eye! But I did, and I was not going to go to the doctor! He'd probably send me to the hospital, I would tough it out without medicine.
This morning Galina took us to a WWII museum (it might be the Armed Forces Museum), which was very quiet since it is not the typical tourist spot. Galina had been a history teacher and so knew all the go
od museums in Moscow. Then we went to the museum for the Revolution. I think my brain had fully shut down by this point, but it perked up for Galina's story about the first McDonalds in Moscow, I will now butcher her story... You would wait on line for about 2 hours, typical for Russia. When you walked in, the floor was clean, that was the first sign that something wasn't right. When you got to the counter they had a smile in their face (hello, this is Russia) and asked what you would like. This was Russia at a time when you hoped they had something at the end of a line, let alone what you actually wanted. You ask for a Big Mac. Then to a
dd to the confusion - they asked how many you wanted? Not only did they have food, you could get as much as you wanted. This caused so much stress and confusion (people thought it might be a trick and the government was listening) that they had to put up a sign limiting the number of Big Mac's to 15, people literally didn't know how to handle a lack of limits and choice. This was Russia where you went to a store and took what they had, they didn't have selection but they did have limits, there was a 2+ hour line behind you after all. In the bathroom they had... toilet paper, and if you took the toilet paper they put a new role on. This was all knew to the Russians. I love this story, it really made me understand Russians a bit and why capitalism was such a struggle for them culturally.
After the museum Kate, Andrew and I went in search of lunch, we ended up at the underground mall again. We ran into Lis, Jilly and Tom and relaxed a bit after lunch chatting since we were so tired. We were going to head outside to people watch until our meeting time, but it was raining so we went shopping instead. I found a T-shirt (which I had been looking for) and a long sleeve shirt (I had not been looking for), but when I went to buy it there was confusion with my credit card. They wanted my passport (which the hotel had, and stupid me forgot I had a copy of it in my backpack) and eventually accepted my room card, but then the credit card didn't work. I have no idea why and they didn't speak a word of English, owell. I met Kate and Andrew outside the store (Lis and Jilly were shopping in another store), and after telling them my story they offered to lend me the cash. Yea, I have 2 new shirts!
At 5:00 everyone met, but the bus was late picking us up. We didn't get to our restaurant until 6:00 and the circus started at 7:00. Once inside the circus they had animals displayed and you could get your picture taken with them. During the circus I sat next to Cara and we discussed what was goin
When we were on the bus after the circus we saw two drunk guys fighting, fortunately they were too drunk to actually hurt each other. But one guy did take his shirt off for the fight, but all he did was kick the tire of our bus and stumble off in the other direction. When we got back to the hotel I got my stuff ready for a bus day the next day and then went with Tania to send some emails. I finished before Tania and decided to pop into the grocery store on the way back, not my brightest idea at 11pm. I was looking around and then noticed someone looking at me, for a second I thought maybe he was someone from tour, he had on goofy glasses, but he was just a weirdo. I made a quick exit and went back to the hotel, lesson learned.
I ran into a bunch of people at the hotel bar and hung out with them. It was an interesting night. Kevin went up to the bar to get a drink and the drunk prostitute hit on him, I guess he declined because she went back to the guy she had been sitting with earlier. When Sky and Tom went up to the bar she went up to them too, she was pulling on Tom's belt and made a pass at Skye as they were walking away. When the guy she was with left, she followed him, but he kept telling her to go away, oh those crazy Russians!
Red Square,
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
5 Guys Burgers
While I was down in Washington DC I was in a training class and in the building was a burger place called, 5 Guys. I had never heard of it, but they did have a good burger. Within an hour of getting home I noticed one, then a few days later I noticed another. The second was along the way home from work, I drive I make 5 times a week. It might have been new, but I doubt I would have noticed it if I hadn't just eaten at one the week before. That's the nice thing about traveling, you find new places and that can make you more aware of your surroundings when you return home.
Washington DC
Monday, May 10, 2010
Photo of the Week: Las Vegas
Las Vegas,
Friday, May 7, 2010
Moscow Day 2
Days 24: Moscow Sightseeing: Two days to explore this fascinating city. Our sightseeing tour includes the Kremlin, the onion domes of St Basil's, Red Square and the GUM Store. There's even the opportunity to travel on the Moscow underground! (Breakfast included)
Once we left the tomb we had to walk half way around Red Square to get our stuff back, but we did walk through GUM, which is a high end mall. One of the stores had mannequins with potato sack heads, interesting. Andy, Kate, Marie, Kieran, Ted, Lis, Jilly, James and I all went to the Church of Christ Our Savior, which is supposedly
one of the most beautiful churches in all of Europe. The hand of St. John the Baptist was in the church, making it a little difficult to get in. It seems that every human being on the planet had made a pilgrimage to the church to see the hand, who knew? We walked by the line for it for quite a while before getting to the back of the church, we thought it was the entrance, but we couldn't get in since it was the exit. We were only able to take pictures of the back. From where we were the line continued around the block and then to the front of the church to get in, the line seemed to be over a day long. Man these Russians really do know how to make a line! After taking a few pictures we headed back to the Red Square area for lunch.
On the way back Lis and Jilly wanted to sit for a few minutes, it had been a long day and it had started getting hot out. Only Kate, Andrew and I waited with them, the others went ahead for lunch. The 5 of us ended up at the underground mall by Red Square having lunch at the food court - we ha
d pizza with bad salads, we also ran into Tom, who had been released from the hospital, I think Lis had sent him a text message about where to meet us. At 3:00 the group met outside the Kremlin for our tour of the Kremlin. Once inside there are areas where you can and cannot walk, they get a little pissy if you cross the line. While inside the walls we saw a group of the military marching in formation, they started heading in our direction but Fraser didn't see them and they just kept marching right into him, it was pretty funny! Inside
the armory we got to see some of the Tsar's Faberge Eggs, which were very nice. But I was so tired that it was hard to concentrate on what Galina was saying. After that we went to dinner near Red Square and had Borst (soup) which I didn't like and Chicken. After dinner we tried to go to a bar, but the one that had been picked out wasn't that good so most of us left. We went back to the hotel and tried to go into the Vodka Museum which was nearby, but it was closed. We ended up in the hotel bar having a few drinks, Daniel was there, he had been released from the hospital and was feeling a bit better.
Hotel: Hotel Izamailovo Block "Beta"
Breakfast: 8:30 Bus departs: 9:00
Breakfast: 8:30 Bus departs: 9:00
At 9am we all met in the hotel lobby, today was a coach free day so we were starting off with a tour of the Metro. Bu
t first the sick people would have to be cared for. Daniel apparently had been sick for a few days and last night Galina had taken him to the hospital. He had an inner ear infection, he was still in the hospital. Tom also wasn't feeling well - something in his throat. Galina took him to the doctor this morning and he had to go to the hospital too, something had to be cut out of his throat or something. It turned out he had an infection in his throat (possibly from having a cut/sore in his throat and brushing his teeth with the water in St. Petersburg.) They gave him an anti-biotic and told him if he wasn't feeling better in a couple days it wo
uld have to be cut out.
At 9:45 we finally left, there was a Metro stop 2 blocks away, I took a picture of the name of the stop incase I needed it later. For the tour Galina would tell us the number of stops we were going and put up the appropriate # of fingers so everyone knew where we were going. No one seemed to get lost. At each stop Galina showed us all the cool stuff. The Metro was cool, much of it looked like it belonged in a palace, it was very grand. The decorations were very ornate and there was quite a bit of Communist things there, though some had been taken down. In one station they had montages and in one section they showed communist scenes, but in another area they had been changed and were just flowers. As grand as it was, the train cars looked l
ike they were made of wood - that can't be safe.
When we finished on the Metro Galina put us on line to see Lenin's tomb. We waited on line for a little bit, then had to put our cameras and bags in a security thing since they can't go in. Going into the tomb was a very weird experience. After going through security you go inside the building, it's quite dark and the floor looked like granite, it was hard to see. There were guards when you first walk in, then you go down stairs and there were more, maybe 6 or more in each spot. Then when you walk into the room with his body there were only 2 in there, but at this point you're afraid to do something anyway, it's a v
ery intimidating experience. Once in the room you walk on a pathway around the body, you can't stop or put your hands in your pocket (I heard someone did that and a guard came right up to him). The body is encased in glass and looks very waxy, totally unnatural - it was a parafin waxy look to be more specific. When Lenin died he wished for a small funeral with little fanfare. Stalin had a huge funeral with lots of fanfare for Lenin, he also ordered that his body be maintained so people could see him, like me. He told the Russian scientists to figure out a way to maintain the body. According to Lonely Plant the body is wiped down every couple days and then they use paraffin wax on the body to keep it looking fresh, that explains the w
axy look. You too can have this done to your body, you just need to pay 1 Million dollars. After Stalin died his body was put with Lenins, but after 3 years Kruschev had his body removed from the tomb and buried.
When we finished on the Metro Galina put us on line to see Lenin's tomb. We waited on line for a little bit, then had to put our cameras and bags in a security thing since they can't go in. Going into the tomb was a very weird experience. After going through security you go inside the building, it's quite dark and the floor looked like granite, it was hard to see. There were guards when you first walk in, then you go down stairs and there were more, maybe 6 or more in each spot. Then when you walk into the room with his body there were only 2 in there, but at this point you're afraid to do something anyway, it's a v
Once we left the tomb we had to walk half way around Red Square to get our stuff back, but we did walk through GUM, which is a high end mall. One of the stores had mannequins with potato sack heads, interesting. Andy, Kate, Marie, Kieran, Ted, Lis, Jilly, James and I all went to the Church of Christ Our Savior, which is supposedly
On the way back Lis and Jilly wanted to sit for a few minutes, it had been a long day and it had started getting hot out. Only Kate, Andrew and I waited with them, the others went ahead for lunch. The 5 of us ended up at the underground mall by Red Square having lunch at the food court - we ha
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
King Tut and family
On Saturday I went to the King Tut exhibit in Times Square. I enjoyed the exhibit, but your reaction to the exhibit will depend a lot on what you expect. I was in Egypt in 2007 so I know that all the really good stuff is still in Egypt like his mask, the sarcophagus, gold boxes that held the sarcophagus, and the mummy. They did have a nice sampling of some of the more minor pieces from King Tut's tomb and his family. I read that there were 130 pieces, and it's quite a bit of stuff, though not overwhelming. I thought it was a good amount.
The first half of the exhibit is items of his family, including the sarcophagus of his grandmother - by far the largest and nicest piece. I thought this piece was one of the best of the collection. There was also a larger statue, though not nearly as large as the pieces you would see in Egypt. There were many items from King Tut's tomb. One example of how this exhibit could be disapointing is that there was a small wooden chair, the chair is kinda cool, though not spectacular. In Egypt there was a small chair that I remember seeing, it was covered in gold and jeweles and really jumped out at you. But overall I thought the exhibit had a nice selection which showed a variety of the types of things you would have seen in Ancient Egypt, without going all the way to Egypt.
If you're expecting to see his body (it's in his tomb), or his sarcophagus and mask (in a special room at the Cairo Museum) you will be very disappointed.
Since my brother-in-law asked, I thought I would mention that this exhibit isn't really appropriate for young children. If you have a child 10 and up and they are interested in Ancient Egypt, then they might enjoy this exhibit, otherwise leave them at home.
The first half of the exhibit is items of his family, including the sarcophagus of his grandmother - by far the largest and nicest piece. I thought this piece was one of the best of the collection. There was also a larger statue, though not nearly as large as the pieces you would see in Egypt. There were many items from King Tut's tomb. One example of how this exhibit could be disapointing is that there was a small wooden chair, the chair is kinda cool, though not spectacular. In Egypt there was a small chair that I remember seeing, it was covered in gold and jeweles and really jumped out at you. But overall I thought the exhibit had a nice selection which showed a variety of the types of things you would have seen in Ancient Egypt, without going all the way to Egypt.
If you're expecting to see his body (it's in his tomb), or his sarcophagus and mask (in a special room at the Cairo Museum) you will be very disappointed.
Since my brother-in-law asked, I thought I would mention that this exhibit isn't really appropriate for young children. If you have a child 10 and up and they are interested in Ancient Egypt, then they might enjoy this exhibit, otherwise leave them at home.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Photo of the Week: Checkpoint Charlie Museum, Berlin
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Just another Saturday night in Times Square, well and a bomb too.
On Saturday I met my friend Kelley in Times Square to see the King Tut exhibit, and then the night took an interesting turn when they found a bomb in Times Square... I'll write about King Tut for this week, but thought I would write about my experience in Times Square today.
According to news reports the bomb was found around 6:30pm, right around the time I left the King Tut exhibit, which is on West 44th Street between 7th and 8th Avenues. The bomb was located at West 45 at Broadway. Kelley and I walked up to a restaurant at West 46 and 8th Avenue for dinner and were blissfully unaware of what was going on. After 8:00 Kelley went to use the rest room and was told by another woman that there was a bomb threat in Times Square. I looked out the window of the restaurant and did notice that West 46 Street was closed and there was a little crowd around and heavier traffic. I work for New York City and am all too aware of how many "suspicious" packages are in New York City so I wasn't too fazed by this. Plus I know that they are more careful with "suspicious" whatevers (I'm thinking of the recent suspicious vehicle back in December) and 2 hours to clear it wouldn't be unusual or alarming. I rarely see Kelley so I didn't want to start checking twitter or the newspapers on my iphone and pretty much ignored it. Kelley and I went up to a bar around
50th and Bway for a drink and left around 11pm. We walking down Broadway and at 46th Street were diverted to 6th Avenue. I did take a quick picture of an empty Times Square with my iphone, not a common site.
On 6th and West 46 there is a Fox News ticker which is where Kelley and I got our first glimpse at what was going on via the news - that their was a possible vehicle bomb and some guy was seen running away (which is not true), it was the first time that we got confirmation of this being serious, aside from the fact that at this point we knew it was going on about 4 hours, which is a long time. Kelley and I separated shortly after for our own respective homes and on the way home finally checked out twitter and the news and got an idea of how serious things were.
In the end it was a very serious situation, but Kelley and I was pretty oblivious to it, and that wasn't hard to do, especially since we're both pretty used to unplanned disruptions that happen in NYC all the time. You just walk a different way and go on with life. I think it's also a testament to the good work on the NYPD, we didn't see any chaos or confusion in the streets, just curious onlookers. As a tourist it would have been frustrating (can't get to hotels, broadway shows and the sites), but also more fascinating.
In the next few days more and more information will come out about who did this and what exactly this bomb was (as in how much danger people were actually in.) Am I worried? Not really. It's not that I'm not worried - I think Times Square, NYC Subway and lots of other places in NYC and other cities are targets for terrorists. But I also think our intelligence services are doing a good job, and in the end there are so many places that are targets and to avoid them all would be to not live life. The bottom line for me is that next week a friend is coming to Times Square for a show and I'm meeting her for dinner. I have not plans to skip this, I'll be there with my friend for dinner.
According to news reports the bomb was found around 6:30pm, right around the time I left the King Tut exhibit, which is on West 44th Street between 7th and 8th Avenues. The bomb was located at West 45 at Broadway. Kelley and I walked up to a restaurant at West 46 and 8th Avenue for dinner and were blissfully unaware of what was going on. After 8:00 Kelley went to use the rest room and was told by another woman that there was a bomb threat in Times Square. I looked out the window of the restaurant and did notice that West 46 Street was closed and there was a little crowd around and heavier traffic. I work for New York City and am all too aware of how many "suspicious" packages are in New York City so I wasn't too fazed by this. Plus I know that they are more careful with "suspicious" whatevers (I'm thinking of the recent suspicious vehicle back in December) and 2 hours to clear it wouldn't be unusual or alarming. I rarely see Kelley so I didn't want to start checking twitter or the newspapers on my iphone and pretty much ignored it. Kelley and I went up to a bar around

On 6th and West 46 there is a Fox News ticker which is where Kelley and I got our first glimpse at what was going on via the news - that their was a possible vehicle bomb and some guy was seen running away (which is not true), it was the first time that we got confirmation of this being serious, aside from the fact that at this point we knew it was going on about 4 hours, which is a long time. Kelley and I separated shortly after for our own respective homes and on the way home finally checked out twitter and the news and got an idea of how serious things were.
In the end it was a very serious situation, but Kelley and I was pretty oblivious to it, and that wasn't hard to do, especially since we're both pretty used to unplanned disruptions that happen in NYC all the time. You just walk a different way and go on with life. I think it's also a testament to the good work on the NYPD, we didn't see any chaos or confusion in the streets, just curious onlookers. As a tourist it would have been frustrating (can't get to hotels, broadway shows and the sites), but also more fascinating.
In the next few days more and more information will come out about who did this and what exactly this bomb was (as in how much danger people were actually in.) Am I worried? Not really. It's not that I'm not worried - I think Times Square, NYC Subway and lots of other places in NYC and other cities are targets for terrorists. But I also think our intelligence services are doing a good job, and in the end there are so many places that are targets and to avoid them all would be to not live life. The bottom line for me is that next week a friend is coming to Times Square for a show and I'm meeting her for dinner. I have not plans to skip this, I'll be there with my friend for dinner.
New York City,
Times Square
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