Earlier this month I traveled to Colorado to visit with a friend. While I was visiting one friend, I had another friend who lived in the area that I wanted to meet up.
I had loose plans with friend #2 and when I tried to firm up plans he would push back or not answer emails. I really appreciated when he told me what he thought I should do, instead of hearing what I wanted to do. I started to wonder why we were friends.
Then I spoke to a colleague about it and he told me an even crazier story. A friend was coming to visit with another friend and a couple friend, a total of 4 people. He set up hotels, cars, excursions and then never heard anything for weeks. 2 days before he cancels everything. Later that afternoon she calls and says they'll be in tomorrow! WHAT? Well apparently she changed all her info due to a crazy ex-boyfriend. But still, you wait until the day before to confirm you plans.
Friend #2 and I worked out our differences. He can be stubborn and so can I; but, once we spoke on the phone and committed to working something out we found all the issues before had gone away.
So, how do you handle it when your friends get flakey when planning a trip?